Privacy Policy

In compliance of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in effect since May 25, 2018, our website– « Japanese with Mugino / Japonais avec Mugino », mentioned below as « Japanese with Mugino / Japonais avec Mugino » any page thereof you take note and agree that we collect and use your personal data as set out in this Privacy Policy Statement and the Terms of Use. By continuing to access or use this website or by using the e-mail addresses provided on this Website, you take note and are consenting to our use of your personal data as described in this Privacy Policy Statement. Please do not access this website and do not send us your personal data if you do not want us to store or use the data as described in this Privacy Policy Statement.

« Japanese with Mugino / Japonais avec Mugino » reserves the right to vary or amend this Privacy Policy Statement at any time. The most recent version of the Privacy Policy Statement will govern our use of your information and will always be available on our websites. By continuing to access or use this Website after any changes become effective, you agree to accept the revised Privacy Policy. Please visit this Privacy Policy Statement on a regular basis to ensure that you have read the latest version. This Privacy Policy Statement was updated the last time on the date indicated at the end of the statement. « Japanese with Mugino / Japonais avec Mugino » is committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy concerns the entire online collection of personal data on the « Japanese with Mugino / Japonais avec Mugino » over the World Wide Web and describes how your personal data is collected and used and how « Japanese with Mugino / Japonais avec Mugino » fulfills its obligations under applicable data protection law. The headings used for each of the paragraphs of this Privacy Policy Statement do not affect its interpretation. “You” means a user of this « Japanese with Mugino / Japonais avec Mugino ». “We” means « Japanese with Mugino / Japonais avec Mugino ». “User data” or “data” means personal data that has been collected from users through various functionalities of the « Japanese with Mugino / Japonais avec Mugino » or by the use of an e-mail address given on the « Japanese with Mugino / Japonais avec Mugino ». “Personal data” means information relating to an identified or identifiable person.

How is your data collected?

« Japanese with Mugino / Japonais avec Mugino » may collect personal data from you over our website in the following ways: • You provide personal information to us, in particular your contact data like name, surname, e-mail address, phone number, by using the various functionalities of « Japanese with Mugino / Japonais avec Mugino » such as any of this website’s online forms (e.g. contact functionality, subscription functionality, online test functionality) including the forms provided on our website, and, and by sending information to these three websites:, and, through e-mail addresses given on theses three websites.

• You provide additional personal information to us which we may request from you from time to time following on from any contact you have made with us through « Japanese with Mugino / Japonais avec Mugino ». In no event, however, are you requested to provide confidential or sensitive personal data about you or other persons. Please avoid sending us such types of data. • If you access « Japanese with Mugino / Japonais avec Mugino » or use services available via « Japanese with Mugino / Japonais avec Mugino », your connection data will be collected by our servers and/or through cookies that may be placed in your computer (see below). Our servers will store your IP address in log files by which your computer can be identified as well as certain other connection data (e.g. time and amount of transferred data, product and release information from your Internet browser).

Use of cookies

« Japanese with Mugino / Japonais avec Mugino » uses tracking technology such as cookies to gather connection data and to understand how users use « Japanese with Mugino / Japonais avec Mugino ». A cookie is an element of data that a website can send to your computer’s browser so that this computer will be recognized by the site on the user’s return. Cookies allow the web server to recognize your computer on connection to our Website, which in turn allows the server to make downloading of pages faster than on first viewing. Also cookies may be used to establish statistics about the use of this Website by gathering and analyzing various data (e.g. most visited pages, time spent by users on visited pages, etc.). Cookies will not be used to monitor website visits of a particular individual. Cookies placed on your computer will not be kept longer than necessary for the purposes indicated. It is possible to set the browser on your computer to notify you when a cookie is being recorded on your computer’s hard drive. It is generally also possible to set the browser to prevent cookies from being recorded on your computer. For the optimal use of this Website, however, we recommend that you do not block the recording of cookies on your computer. The procedure for refusal of cookies may differ depending on the software product. You may check with your software helpdesk or software supplier if you wish to refuse cookies. If you choose not to receive cookies, you may not be able to use certain functionalities or pages of this Website.

How is your data used?

The user data collected over « Japanese with Mugino / Japonais avec Mugino » is processed for the following purposes:

  • We will use your connection data for statistical purposes and to manage and improve the usability of « Japanese with Mugino / Japonais avec Mugino » by means of particular software (e.g. Google analytics) or cookies (see use of cookies).

  • We will use your contact data to (i) answer any queries you have about this Website and to notify you of any changes to this Website; (ii) provide you with information you have requested (subscription functionality); and (iii) inform you about « Japanese with Mugino / Japonais avec Mugino » and other events.

  • We will use your contact and other data to inform you about services and solutions of « Japanese with Mugino / Japonais avec Mugino » that may be of interest to you (marketing activities), unless you inform us that you wish not to receive any promotion material from « Japanese with Mugino / Japonais avec Mugino ».

  • We will include your comments that you provide through the commenting functionality of this Website or otherwise in anonymous reports, statistics, surveys and pools which we make available on this Website. However, these types of information will not enable readers to identify individuals or individual businesses. Your comments are made available on this Website in anonymous form, unless you have expressly agreed otherwise.

Data disclosure to third parties

We will not disclose your personal data to third parties, except for the following: (1) disclosure of data if legally required or ordered by an authority or a court; (2) disclosure of data to external service providers who support « Japanese with Mugino / Japonais avec Mugino » in the area of data processing or otherwise; (3) disclosure of data to third parties in corporate reorganizations, disposals or acquisitions; (4) disclosure of data to third parties if necessary to protect the interests of « Japanese with Mugino / Japonais avec Mugino » or other users. We will not sell, rent, distribute or otherwise make your contact or other data commercially available to any third party, except with your prior permission.

Data storage and transfer outside your country

Any data you send over the Internet to the « Japanese with Mugino / Japonais avec Mugino » is stored in France, as « Japanese with Mugino / Japonais avec Mugino » is operated on a platform of a service provider located in France. The management members of our website « Japanese with Mugino / Japonais avec Mugino » in various countries will be able to access your personal data on a need-to-know basis for the purposes stated here above (group-wide access). Accordingly, your personal data will be transferred to and processed in locations outside the country in which you are viewing this Website (the “User Country”). Any data or material sent or uploaded by you will be accessible in countries outside the user country.

Storage of e-mails

All incoming and outgoing e-mail messages are protected by legal, technical and organizational measure. They may only be accessed in justified cases in accordance with applicable laws and regulations (e.g. court order, suspicion of criminal conduct, breach of regulatory obligations, and material breach of employment contract). Access is only granted to employees in defined functions (e.g. litigation, legal, compliance, risk). The process steps as well as the search criteria used are pre-defined. All e-mails are disposed of after a limited period of time. If you do not wish the retention of private e-mails by « Japanese with Mugino / Japonais avec Mugino », we strongly advise you not to send private, non-business related e-mails to « Japanese with Mugino / Japonais avec Mugino »accounts.

Data Security and confidentiality

« Japanese with Mugino / Japonais avec Mugino » applies and ensures that service providers apply technical and organizational security measures that are appropriate to protect personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction or accidental loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access and against all other unlawful forms of processing. The accessing and entering of information on « Japanese with Mugino / Japonais avec Mugino » by users take place over the Internet which is an open and unprotected network. This data transfer takes place in non-encrypted form. Therefore, we are not able to guarantee the security of your data during the transfer to the Website. You confirm to be aware of the risks of unencrypted transmission of data via the Internet. « Japanese with Mugino / Japonais avec Mugino » shall not be liable for any damage caused by such transfer. For this reason, please do not send us any confidential or sensitive personal data. You may communicate with us by e-mail. E-mail messages sent over the Internet are neither confidential nor secure. They may be viewed by third parties, lost, intercepted or altered. E-mails may be transferred across national borders, even if both sender and recipient are located in the same country. « Japanese with Mugino / Japonais avec Mugino » will not be liable for any damages suffered in connection with the use of e-mails or any other electronic messaging system when communicating with us.

For how long is your data retained?

« Japanese with Mugino / Japonais avec Mugino » retains the personal information collected over our Website for as long as required or permitted by law and regulations. Comments that you provide to us using the commenting functionality of t « Japanese with Mugino / Japonais avec Mugino » are generally deleted after one year, unless « Japanese with Mugino / Japonais avec Mugino » has a particular business interest in such information in which case the comments are retained for a longer period of time, subject to applicable data protection law.

Protection of children

« Japanese with Mugino / Japonais avec Mugino » does not wish to collect over our Website personal data from individuals under the age of 18. Individuals under the age of 18 are requested to receive permission from their parent or legal guardian before providing any personal data to our Website « Japanese with Mugino / Japonais avec Mugino ».

Links to External Websites

From « Japanese with Mugino / Japonais avec Mugino »,  you are able to obtain access to websites operated by third parties (“External Websites”). This Privacy Policy does not apply to External Websites. External Websites are not monitored or maintained by « Japanese with Mugino / Japonais avec Mugino ». We are not responsible for the privacy policies of any External Websites. Please read the privacy policy of each External Website prior to accessing or sending personal data to the site.

« Japanese with Mugino / Japonais avec Mugino » as data controller

« Japanese with Mugino / Japonais avec Mugino » is responsible as data controller for the processing of your personal data on « Japanese with Mugino / Japonais avec Mugino » under Swiss data protection law to the extent applicable.


If you have any questions relating to the processing of your data or this Privacy Policy, please contact us using the general contact functionality provided on


Last update of these terms and conditions: 7 September, 2022

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